Hello and welcome to our school!
My name is Ella. I am 11 years old, I am in class 5c and I help new student at our school.
Let me tell you something about our school. The students here are from eleven to sixteen years old. There are 370 students at our school. We have got two computer rooms with 16 computers and 9 rooms with an interactive whiteboard. I like all the students in my class. My friends are in my class, too. Our secretary is Mrs. With. She helps you when you have a problem.
There are lots of rules, too. We do our homework. We are notlate to class and we do not run in the hallway. We do not use our mobile phones during the lessons.
We have school clubs: the school band, with drums and guitar,“table top“, swimming, photography and “street art“, “climateconference“, cooking and “decorating the school“.
We have a library with lots of books. Our cafeteria is really nice. The teachers are cool and I am so happy to be here. It is great.